Sphero Global Challenge



Sphero Global Challenge Downloads

Find mission briefs, graphics, training materials, certificates and other helpful tools for competing in the Sphero Global Challenge.

Sphero Global Challenge Presented by STEM It Up Sports

The Sphero Global Challenge Presented by STEM It Up Sports provides all students with the opportunity to explore computer science. The overarching challenge

Sphero Global Challenge

The Sphero Global Challenge is the ultimate STEM competition and an opportunity for students to go deeper with computational thinking, engineering, ...

Sphero Global Competition presented by STEM It Up Sports

The Sphero Global Challenge is the ultimate STEM competition and an opportunity for students to go deeper with computational thinking, engineering, ...

Sphero World Championship Season 4 Winners

2024年5月9日 — Season 4 Sphero Global Challenge Winners ; 1st - 4072C. Bold Eagles. Mililani. HI. 2nd - 4075A ; 1st - 4000A. Yurasamaval. Huntingdon Valley.

Watch Webinar The Sphero Global Challenge

Sphero Global Challenge is the ultimate STEM, robotics, and design competition, and an opportunity for kids to go deeper with computational thinking, ...


Findmissionbriefs,graphics,trainingmaterials,certificatesandotherhelpfultoolsforcompetingintheSpheroGlobalChallenge.,TheSpheroGlobalChallengePresentedbySTEMItUpSportsprovidesallstudentswiththeopportunitytoexplorecomputerscience.Theoverarchingchallenge,TheSpheroGlobalChallengeistheultimateSTEMcompetitionandanopportunityforstudentstogodeeperwithcomputationalthinking,engineering, ...,TheSpheroGlo...
